• We're good! How are you? We'd love to hear more about your business, vision, and share a bit about ourselves.

  • Why, yes. But we like it because we're all about our clients-- we named our company after you! You (the unicorn) and your message (the roar). You have the vision, we’ll help you sell it effectively and market it intelligently.

  • Absolutely, that's why we founded Unicorn Roar. Your issues (at least today's issues) will not be around long enough to bother us… We’re going to solve them.

    We recognize that time is a finite resource, especially in the context of a startup. Fixed contracts can sandbag you, especially when you hire incorrectly. Not to mention, many agencies will bait you with top talent and then staff a junior team to run your business.

    Pausing service is not a problem, and in fact sometimes is necessary so that your sales pipeline doesn’t outpace your production capability.

  • Great question.

    Belief is important. Our mission is to inspire investors, customers, and colleagues to see and believe in your company the way you do.

  • Yes, we do— they love unicorns!

    VCs and investors want to know how the capital they’ve invested is being spent. We offer a solution that's not a revolving door of hires and achieves the milestones necessary to grow.

  • Deadlines have inspired our best work. Let's party.

  • Client categories and nuances differ, but our approach is consistent. We’ve helped countless brands, from media conglomerates to early stage startups.

    Big companies have startups within them and new products to launch that face the same (and sometimes worse) headwinds than independent startups. The only material difference is scale and scope.

  • We've seen a lot, and we know how helpful a strong foundation of sales and marketing expertise is.

    Sometimes, you think you're at the top of the mountain, but once you know the industry a little better, you realize you're still at the sporting goods store at base camp. We've been astounded by the investments some companies make at too early of a lifestage:

    • Where they spend marketing dollars (too broadly to matter or too tactically to scale)

    • How they go about building a sales pipeline (spray and pray)

    • Paying agencies to pick colors they like for a brand they can’t even define…

    If the motto is ‘fail fast,’ we think all of these are great ways to do it. We don't want to be beholden to corporate agendas that don't make sense. We want to be able to share what we know, because we love doing this, and we love your lifestage.

  • Yes, because we're thinking about your business.

Interested in how we can help your company?